Your Company Brand

If you are a startup or a scaleup with a disruptive technology and an ambitious mission, but you haven’t articulated why this should matter to those you wish to move to action, or your current story doesn’t seem to resonate, let’s talk. I work with teams who are:

Just starting out and need help defining their story to attract investment, attract first hires, and prompt prospects to take note and reach out; or

Already operating at scale and need their story to evolve in such a way to keep in step with changes in their strategy, stay ahead of rapid changes in their industry, and adapt to their customers’ evolving needs.

How can I help you?

  • By the time a buyer is ready to buy, they will have created a mental shortlist of companies they believe will be able to fulfil their need. Your brand’s job is to create a sense of desirability that puts your company on that list.

    I can help you identify the intersection between what you do and what your buyers aspire to, and create a compelling and actionable brand strategy that makes it clear how you can help your audiences adapt to the new world and succeed. Through one-to-one interviews with your leadership team, your customers and any other key stakeholders, I can swiftly identify the intersection between your company’s strategic intent and the needs and aspirations of your stakeholders. This is a comprehensive, yet fast-paced project that involves your leadership team and ensures buy-in across the organisation. The result is an effective brand narrative that informs your marketing and sales activations.

  • Once your brand strategy is ready to be operationalised, I can work with you on bringing it to life in ways that make sense for your brand. I work with startups and scaleups on thought leadership, content marketing and, where appropriate, select media outreach.

What outcomes do we work towards?


My work with early stage startups tends to be focused on two key areas of GTM:

Understanding target audience

I help teams identify and validate target audience fit, and prioritise audience segmentation accordingly.


Based on a bespoke brand discovery process, I create an effective strategic narrative that informs brand activations, content and product marketing, as well as sales enablement.


Once a product-market fit is established and revenue stream from core segments becomes somewhat predictable, two GTM priorities tend to emerge:

Growth acceleration through standardisation

I help scaleups evaluate their positioning vis a vis core audiences, identify any gaps in their marketing efforts, and gain clarity on where opportunities can be scaled effectively.

Expansion to new verticals and/or upsell to existing audiences

I conduct a comprehensive audit of existing customer perceptions and market trends, and evaluate them against internal assumptions, strategic imperatives and live marketing efforts. Based on this analysis, I help scaleups to either expand on an already effective brand narrative in such a way that it enables entry into new markets, or re-imagine positioning altogether to drive growth across the board.